Friday, October 15, 2010

JERUSALEM Walls and Garden of Getsemane

 Looking over Jerusalem Temple, showing the walled city. This is consider the most Holy city with Abrahamic religions, such as judaism, Christianity and Islam. Garden design are totally rock strucutures with spots of potted plants for cactus family, fig trees and Date Palms. It was ruled by many neigboring countries during wars which resulted to abropt and confusing landscape design. You will see ruins of such influences as Greek, Romas, Ottoman, Islam, English and even Americans around the area.

A sample and typical garden in Jerusalem temple. Potted cactus and grasses.

This is the garden where Jesus weep with blood according to the bible and to Jewish historians. This fig trees are the witness to that event. Garden around this area are actually with arab and Islamic influence.

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