Friday, October 15, 2010

Balibaguhin River, Real Quezon

This photo was also taken last summer May of 2010. You will notice that algae are actually a lot within the water bodies. You might wonder why and how this happen. Well, as usual - people within the barangay use this are for livelihood. Rivers of this was actually rich in fresh shrimps and fishes but due to a wrong way of fishing, they died and so no more eat fishes who will consume the moss and algae. People ont his barangay uses poisons to kill the fishes on the rivers. Result, insects and infestation of the waters. Another, wrong action which need a proper education. This only shows that government agencies are still lacking of protection and notices how we can preserve this wonder. If we didnt then, how we can sustain the rivers and where we will get the food needed for our future?

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